Power cord Standards : Power cord Standards

Flexible Cord Jacketing Designations

CodeDescriptionAWG SizeConductorsInsulation/JacketVoltage
TPTTinsel Parallel Thermoplastic27 Tinsel2PVC / No Jacket250
TSTinsel ServiceRubber / Rubber125
TSTTinsel Service ThermoplasticPVC / PVC125
SPT-1Service Parallel Thermoplastic - 1/64" Insulation182,3PVC / No Jacket300
SPT-2Service Parallel Thermoplastic - 2/64" Insulation18 - 16

Service Parallel Thermoplastic - 3/64" insulation

18 - 10
SPE-1Service Parallel Elastomer - 1/64" insulation182,3Elastomer / No Jacket300
SPE-2Service Parallel Elastomer - 2/64" insulation18 - 162,3PVC / No Jacket300
SPE-3Service Parallel Elastomer - 3/64" insulation18 - 10
SVService Vacuum182,3Rubber / Rubber300
SVOService Vacuum Oil Resistant Jacket
SVOOSVO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SVTService Vacuum Thermoplastic18 - 172,3PVC / PVC300
SVTOSVT with Oil Resistant Jacket
SVTOOSVTO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SVEService Vacuum Elastomer18 - 172,3Elastomer / Elastomer300
SVEOSVE with Oil Resistant Jacket
SVEOOSVEO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SJSevice Junior18 - 102,3,4Rubber / Rubber300
SJOSJ with Oil Resistant Jacket
SJOOSJO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SJTSevice Junior Thermoplastic18 -102,3,4PVC / PVC300
SJTWSJT with Outdoor Jacket
SJTOSJT with Oil Resistant Jacket
SJTOOSJTO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SJEService Junior Elastomer18 -102,3,4,5Elastomer / Elastomer300
SJEOSJE with Oil Resistant Jacket
SJEOWSJEO with Outdoor Jacket
SJEOOSJEO with Oil Resistant Insulation
SService18 - 22 or moreRubber / Rubber600
SOService with Oil Resistant Jacket
SOOSO with Oil Resistant Insulation
STService Thermoplastic18 - 22 or morePVC / PVC600
STWST with Outdoor Jacket
STOST with Oil Resistant Jacket
SEService Elastomer18 - 22 or moreElastomer / Elastomer600
SEOSE with Oil Resistant Jacket
SEOWSEO with Outdoor Jacket
SEOOSEO with Oil Resistant Insulation
HPNHeater Parallel Rubber18 - 122,3Rubber / No Jacket300
HSJHeater Service Junior18 - 122,3,4Rubber / Rubber300
HSJOHSJ with Outdoor Jacket
HSHeater Service14 - 22,3,4Rubber / Rubber300
HSOHS with Oil Resistant Jacket

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